You might have come across the term piles, completely clueless to what it means.
Piles is just another term for hemorrhoids, an abnormality in the rectum where the veins
of the rectal lining swell up. Hemorrhoids can be a very embarrassing disorder, and those
who are afflicted tell of how extremely painful it is to lose their bowels. Pregnant women
are more likely to develop hemorrhoids due to the pressure the baby has on their rectal area.
Continous pressure in the anal area, whether voluntary or involuntary, can cause the veins of
the rectum to become engorged with blood, causing what all people know as hemorrhoids.
People who have piles disease develop a variety of hemorrhoids symptoms.
The most common are blood found in the bowels, itching in the anal area, extreme pain and discomfort
when sitting down or straining in the toilet, and even feces leaking uncontrollably in one’s underpants.
People can either have internal or external hemorrhoids. Internet hemorrhoids happen when the veins
inside in the anal area swell, causing discomfort even if they’re not visible. External hemorrhoids
happen when the person strains too much, causing the veins to protrude which can always be very painful.
If you suspect that you have hemorrhoids, there are a couple of things that you need to do. First and foremost, you need to consult a doctor.
Always remember that not all forms of anal bleeding are due to hemorrhoids. Some forms of bleeding in the anus are caused by particular forms
of cancers, so always ask your doctor about these. Piles disease is not contagious or infectious, so don’t worry about spreading the disease to others.
Hemorrhoids can be a very vague disorder, and though people say that hemorrhoids are caused by straining too much,
medical professionals are quick to say that there are other more pressing factors that cause this. Constipation can
play a huge part in the development of hemorrhoids, and even pregnancy can influence its formation as well.
Some doctors say that developing hemorrhoids can be genetic, while others say it has nothing to do with the genes.
No matter what the cause of piles disease is, know that there is a hemorrhoids treatment available for you to try out.
There’s a lot of evidence these days that a natural piles treatment is the best option to cure piles for good.